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Freedom in America

Hello, my name is Kim and my U.S. history teacher asked us to make a blog to talk about a topic. I of course picked freedom. We have many rights as citizens in America; freedom is one of them as it states from my source. We're able to say what we want but with some restrictions. The freedom of what were able to say is why most people come to America in the first place. We are able to demand things we want in our government in protests or in petitions without worrying about the government punishing us. The restrictions that i mentioned earlier includes any threats that are expressed in anyway or yelling fire in a building filled with people when there is no fire. The restrictions that are placed are very logical and fair and should be respected. Freedom is the reason why settlers came here in the first place. They wanted religious freedom and being free from persecution. To this day people still seek those freedoms by fleeing their countries and coming into ours. Many people want to take that freedom away from them by building the wall. My source roughly summarizes the basics of our freedom and the restrictions they carry.

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